voros's blog

"Zacharias" presented to the public

"Zacharias", Robotnik’s Turtlebot2 acquired in the context of RADIO Project, made its first steps at the premises of Embedded System Design and Application Laboratory (ESDA Lab - http://esda-lab.cied.teiwest.gr) of RADIO partner Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (TWG) and was recently presented to the public.

Zacharias was exhibited by Assistant Professor Nikolaos Voros, Head of ESDA Lab, at TWG at Antirion during a high school visit and made a big impression! Watch the short video here:

RADIO organizes a workshop entitled "Trends and challenges of Cyber Physical Systems: Design, Architectures and Applications" @ ICT 2016 Conference

Trends and challenges of Cyber Physical Systems: Design, Architectures and Applications
[Full day workshop with a combination of invited talks and demonstrators from both industry and academia, jointly supported by RADIO, ARGO, and RAMCIP EU H2020 funded projects]