Second Technical meeting of the project takes place in Nafpaktos, Greece
RADIO partners organised the second technical meeting of the project in Nafpaktos, Greece on 14 and 15 November 2016. The meeting was hosted by the Embedded System Design and Application Lab which belongs to the Computer & Informatics Engineering Department of Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece. During the meeting, RADIO technical partners collaborated in order to prepare the RADIO technology that will be used for the next RADIO pilot at Fundació Hospital Asil de Granollers (FHAG)in Barcelona, Spain.
During the meeting, the Embedded System Design and Application Lab demonstrated the newly created Ambient Assisted Living House (AAL House). The AAL House is a fully equipped 60 m2 residence-like space which has been developed in the context of the RADIO project so as to serve as an experimental space to help evaluate state-of-the-art ambient assisted living technologies developed within the RADIO project.
Apart from demonstration purposes, the AAL House is currently used as a training laboratory for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Computer and Informatics Engineering Department in Ambient Assisted Living technologies and Cyberphysical systems, as well as an exhibition area for school students in an attempt to become familiar with Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies.
RADIO Technical meeting in the local news: