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RADIO participation at Researchers' Night 2015
Posted by ncsr on Tuesday, 20 October 2015
The European Researchers' Night has been taking place over that past years aiming to promote the world of research and its value to society. This year, on the 25th of September, the European Researcher’s Night celebrated its 10th anniversary in 280 cities across Europe, and naturally RADIO partners couldn’t miss it!
FHAG participated in the Barcelona edition of Researchers' Night that took place at the Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona (CCCB). Celebrating International Year of Light 2015, FHAG introduced the public to the relationship between light and medicine. Besides a poster disseminating RADIO, they also presented experiments regarding the properties of light.
The FHAG stand at the Barcelona Researchers’ Night.
The RADIO poster presented at the Barcelona Researchers’ Night.
NCSR-D participated in the Athens edition of Researchers' Night that took place at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre, and also hosted a pre-event at NCSR-D premises. The RADIO team gave live demonstrations of recently developed prototypes ranging from human-robot interaction to autonomous navigation and to pattern recognition. All three technologies are most relevant to the RADIO system, touching upon the system’s ability to be useful, to operate in a human environment, and to collect medically-relevant data.
Autonomous navigation system, able to efficiently move the robotic platform in crammed environments.